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Conference Scope

In a world striving to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, it is imperative to strike a balance that sustains both our environment as well as the health and comfort of the individuals inhabiting buildings. Considering that 90% of the current buildings are projected to remain in the year 2050, retrofitting the existing building stock is paramount to reaching decarbonisation goals.

From the perspective of climate goals, reducing energy use in the built environment via energy retrofit and climate neutral newly constructed buildings are critical. However, it is crucial to prioritise indoor environmental quality when reducing energy usage to meet climate targets. Well-designed and executed retrofits are needed to reduce carbon emissions while ensuring healthy indoor environments. Building retrofit professionals, energy conservation experts, ventilation system designers & installers, and indoor air quality specialists must collaborate on innovative solutions to achieve these multifaceted objectives. AIVC 2024 will serve as a multidisciplinary platform to address the emerging challenges by exchanging cutting-edge ideas, research findings, policies and industrial experiences.

The conference organisers invite contributions centred around the pivotal role of ventilation, airtight building and ductwork designs, and ventilative cooling solutions in enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and overall health in existing buildings. Case studies demonstrating innovative solutions are also welcome.

Conference concept

The conference will consist of 3 parallel sessions largely devoted to:

  • Smart ventilation, Indoor Air Quality and health
  • Building and ductwork airtightness
  • Ventilative cooling – Resilient cooling

The conference will consist of a mixture of invited presentations and presentations in response to a call for papers, organised in structured sessions focused on the conference topics. Some sessions will consist of presentations from the call for papers only, while other sessions will be topical sessions with presentations proposed by a session organiser or by the organising committee. The conference is combined with an exhibition by industry partners.

Conference topics

Smart ventilation, Indoor Air Quality and health

  • Integration of ventilation in building energy retrofits
  • Associated health benefits of energy retrofits
  • Strategies to reduce exposure to outdoor and indoor air pollutants (filtration, air cleaning, source control)
  • Resilient approaches in IAQ management (infection control, hazardous events, etc.)
  • Inspection, monitoring, maintenance, reliability and durability of ventilation systems
  • Model based data analytics and control strategies for smart ventilation, including the role of consumer-grade IAQ sensors
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and ventilation systems
  • Standards, policies and legislation

 Building and ductwork airtightness

  • Role of airtightness in building energy retrofits
  • Energy and IAQ impact of envelope and ductwork leakage
  • Innovative measurement and airtightening techniques
  • Compliance schemes for airtightness
  • Long-term performance: durability of airtightness

Ventilative cooling – Resilient cooling

  • Role of ventilative and resilient cooling in building energy retrofits
  • Occupant IEQ perception and satisfaction
  • Resilient approaches to extreme heat events and climate change
  • Control strategies and personal comfort control
  • Standards, legislation and compliance tools
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Prof. Sani Dimitroulopoulou (UK Health Security Agency, UKHSA)

Sani is a Principal Environmental Public Health Scientist, Air Quality and Public Health, UKHSA (formerly Public Health England, PHE) leading on indoor air quality and health.
She is also Visiting Professor, at Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, UCL.
Her research interests include exposure assessment to air pollution, based on modelling and monitoring of outdoor and indoor air pollution and ventilation, health impact assessments and development of environmental public health indicators and indoor air quality guidelines.
She works closely with colleagues from UK Government Departments (e.g. DHSC, DfE, DLUHC, Defra, DESNZ) and Organisations (e.g. WHO, NICE, CIBSE, RCP/RCPCH, BSI) to provide expert advice on indoor air quality and health. She participated in the Cross Whitehall Group for the revision of the Building Regulations, Part F and she sits on the Advisory Board organised by DLUHC for the revision of HHSRS (Housing Health and Safety Rating System). She was the UKHSA project manager for the development of the DHSC/UKHSA/DLUHC guidance on “Damp and mould: understanding and addressing the health risks for rented housing providers”. She is the Chair of UK Indoor Environments Group (UKIEG).

Dr. Ana Maria Scutaru

Ana Maria Scutaru is a scientist at the German Environment Agency (UBA) in Berlin. She received her PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the Institute of Pharmacy at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2011. Her work focuses on the health-related evaluation of building products emissions into indoor air and other indoor air related topics. Ana Maria Scutaru is the secretary of the Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Building Products (AgBB) and of the EU-LCI Working Group within the harmonisation framework for health-based evaluation of indoor emissions from construction products in the European Union.

Corinne Mandin earned her PhD in environmental chemistry from the University of Rennes, France.
She has been working on human exposure to chemical substances and physical agents and the related health effects, first at INERIS (French national institute for industrial environment and risks) for 8 years, and then at CSTB (French scientific and technical center for building) for 13 years. At CSTB, she coordinated the French Indoor Air Quality Observatory, a public research program created in 2001 to carry out nationwide surveys on air quality in buildings. In 2022, she joined the French institute for radiation protection and nuclear safety (IRSN) where she leads the radiation epidemiology group.
She has been involved in various European and international projects and expert committees, including at the World Health Organization and the European Joint Research Center. She is currently chairing the expert committee dedicated to outdoor and indoor air quality at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (Anses). She was president of the International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) from 2020 to 2022. In 2022, she coedited the Handbook of Indoor Air Quality (Springer).