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The Challenges of Radon and Energy Retrofitting: Unravelling Complexities and Interaction within the Built Environment


This workshop will explore the intricate relationship between radon and the built environment, in the context of ventilation and indoor environmental quality. Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, is a leading cause for concern as it accumulates within indoor environments. However, unlike other indoor air pollutants, the infiltration of radon cannot be assumed to be a constant flow rate, but instead, it is a dynamic process which depends on various factors, including the depressurisation rates within buildings. This is especially crucial in the context of energy retrofits, where ventilation and retrofit strategies have the potential to further increase the radon flux into buildings. In this session, presentations will delve into the complexities and interactions that the indoor built environment plays in altering the radon concentrations within residential buildings. Speakers will present recent research findings, discuss the implications different ventilation strategies can have, and discuss challenges and opportunities associated with the context of energy retrofit.

The session will start with a presentation that explores the predictive capability of radon infiltration within residential buildings by analysing existing radon datasets. An understanding of the radon flux will be presented by exploring the underlying physical mechanisms. The second presentation will follow by presenting a research study that investigated how different ventilation approaches and building structures impact the depressurisation rates within buildings and the consequence for the radon flux. These findings will be supported by a separate study that conducted field measurements in Canada that examined radon measurements under varying building characteristics, including ventilation strategies. While the first three presentations highlight the challenges and risks associated with radon. By contrast, the fourth presentation will be complemented by recent research published by the Irish EPA that examined the effectiveness of radon remediation measures. These findings will be vital in discussing their implications for various mitigation measures and offer opportunities to meet the challenge of radon during energy retrofit.

Following the presentations, speakers will form a panel including an industry representative (Simon Jones, Industrial Advisor to the AIVC) and a representative from SEAI (Brain McIntyre, previously coordinated the national energy retrofit pilot programme) that will address the audience’s questions to stimulate an interactive discussion. Each speaker will contribute to how their unique insights can manage the challenges of radon during energy retrofits. The panel comprises academic and policy members, so attendees will gain insights from multiple perspectives. The session will be designed to stimulate discussion and raise awareness, providing an interactive platform for insights from the audience. Attendees and speakers will contribute to discussing how these practices can be incorporated into retrofit strategies.

Moreover, the session will contrast Canada and Ireland, offering unique insights into how different countries, climatic conditions, and national policies influence radon. Special attention will be given to understanding the retrofit context, aiming to identify risks and the best appropriate to develop a risk matrix that can be implemented into practice. Ultimately, the session will highlight how radon considerations should be integrated into retrofit measures rather than only considering it post-retrofit. These insights could lead to cost-effective measures, utilising policy incentives to protect and seize opportunities during energy retrofits. Attendees will emerge with valuable insights into the dynamic interplay of radon, construction, and ventilation systems, fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in mitigating radon-associated risks.


  • Explore the dynamic processes of radon infiltration, recognising the complexities and interactions the indoor built environment has in altering radon concentrations.
  • Analyse the implications of different ventilation strategies, national policies, and their relevance in the energy retrofit context.
  • Assess the implications of these findings for various mitigation measures and explore opportunities to integrate radon considerations into retrofit strategies.
  • Quantify the potential cost-effective measures and policy incentives for mitigating radon risks during energy retrofits.
  • Review a list of crucial issues from various stakeholders and compile data to develop a radon risk matrix.
  • Compile and formulate the ideas for the discussion to write a position paper.


  1. Introduction and Overview. James A. McGrath, Department of Physics, Maynooth University, Ireland
  2. Quantify factors influencing radon flux in dwellings. Mohsen Pourkiaei, Department of Physics, Maynooth University, Ireland
  3. Challenges and opportunities arising from different ventilation approaches: Controlled experiments conducted at the Canadian Centre for Housing Technology. Liang Grace Zhou, Construction Research Centre, National Research Council Canada, Canada
  4. Field study measurements evaluating radon concentrations under different ventilation scenarios. Janet Gaskin, Construction Research Centre, National Research Council Canada, Canada
  5. Passive sumps as a method of reducing radon levels in Irish dwellings. Alison Dowdall, Office of Radiation Protection and Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland.


  1. James A. McGrath, Department of Physics, Maynooth University, Ireland
  2. Janet Gaskin, Construction Research Centre, National Research Council Canada, Canada,


  • 90 minutes
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Prof. Sani Dimitroulopoulou (UK Health Security Agency, UKHSA)

Sani is a Principal Environmental Public Health Scientist, Air Quality and Public Health, UKHSA (formerly Public Health England, PHE) leading on indoor air quality and health.
She is also Visiting Professor, at Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, The Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, UCL.
Her research interests include exposure assessment to air pollution, based on modelling and monitoring of outdoor and indoor air pollution and ventilation, health impact assessments and development of environmental public health indicators and indoor air quality guidelines.
She works closely with colleagues from UK Government Departments (e.g. DHSC, DfE, DLUHC, Defra, DESNZ) and Organisations (e.g. WHO, NICE, CIBSE, RCP/RCPCH, BSI) to provide expert advice on indoor air quality and health. She participated in the Cross Whitehall Group for the revision of the Building Regulations, Part F and she sits on the Advisory Board organised by DLUHC for the revision of HHSRS (Housing Health and Safety Rating System). She was the UKHSA project manager for the development of the DHSC/UKHSA/DLUHC guidance on “Damp and mould: understanding and addressing the health risks for rented housing providers”. She is the Chair of UK Indoor Environments Group (UKIEG).

Dr. Ana Maria Scutaru

Ana Maria Scutaru is a scientist at the German Environment Agency (UBA) in Berlin. She received her PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the Institute of Pharmacy at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2011. Her work focuses on the health-related evaluation of building products emissions into indoor air and other indoor air related topics. Ana Maria Scutaru is the secretary of the Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Building Products (AgBB) and of the EU-LCI Working Group within the harmonisation framework for health-based evaluation of indoor emissions from construction products in the European Union.

Corinne Mandin earned her PhD in environmental chemistry from the University of Rennes, France.
She has been working on human exposure to chemical substances and physical agents and the related health effects, first at INERIS (French national institute for industrial environment and risks) for 8 years, and then at CSTB (French scientific and technical center for building) for 13 years. At CSTB, she coordinated the French Indoor Air Quality Observatory, a public research program created in 2001 to carry out nationwide surveys on air quality in buildings. In 2022, she joined the French institute for radiation protection and nuclear safety (IRSN) where she leads the radiation epidemiology group.
She has been involved in various European and international projects and expert committees, including at the World Health Organization and the European Joint Research Center. She is currently chairing the expert committee dedicated to outdoor and indoor air quality at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (Anses). She was president of the International Society for Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) from 2020 to 2022. In 2022, she coedited the Handbook of Indoor Air Quality (Springer).