Ventilation regulations in various countries
The current trend in most European countries regarding building ventilation is to follow the “build tight, ventilate right” strategy. New energy efficient buildings are indeed getting more and more airtight to avoid energy losses through uncontrolled air leakages. Therefore, mechanical ventilation systems are installed to ensure a good indoor air quality (IAQ) with controlled ventilated air flowrates.
In 2008 a series of VIP (from VIP 17 to VIP 27) were published by the AIVC, detailing the “Trends in the building ventilation market and drivers for changes” for 10 countries. Regulations have however evolved a lot in most countries since then. Two new series of VIPs is being published to get an update on the current regulations in European countries one series regarding building and ductwork airtightness and another series regarding ventilation regulation.
They include information regarding national trends in:
-IAQ requirement and market (including requirements for residential and non-residential buildings)
-Energy requirements and market
-Inspection of ventilation systems
-Innovative systems and market
And it provides an example of mandatory flowrate of typical buildings.
The objective of this session is to present three of the published (or under revision) AIVCVIPs on ventilation regulations, giving a view of the current situation in different countries.
- Introduction: Presentation of the new VIP serie: objective and lay-out-Valerie Leprince, Cerema, France
- Trends in building ventilation requirements and inspection in Spain, Pilar Linares, IETcc-CSIC, Spain
- Trends in building ventilation requirements and inspection in Ireland, Simon Jones, Air Quality Matters, Ireland
- Status and trends of ventilation in Belgium, Arnold Janssens, Ghent University, Belgium
- Trends in building ventilation requirements and inspection in France. Gaëlle Guyot Cerema, France
- Discussions:
- Valérie Leprince, Cerema, France
- Simon Jones, Air Quality Matters, Ireland
- 75 minutes