What is new in the EPBD recast 2024 with respect to indoor environmental quality and ventilation?
There are within the European Union multiple requirements for the building sector withrespect to energy use and CO2 impact. A major legislative piece for buildings is the EnergyPerformance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), of which the first version was approved in 2002.Since then, there have been several revisions.All member states must transpose this directive into national legislation, which means that inpractice there might be major differences in national legislation between the member states(calculation methods, requirements, compliance, …).On April 24, a revised version of the EPBD has been approved. This revised version waspublished on May 8,2024.In comparison with the 2018 edition, there are substantial changes. Among others, indoorenvironmental quality as well as the inspection of large HVAC installations receivesincreased attention
This session aims to provide an in-depth view of the changes in the EPBD with relevance forthe themes of this conference.What does it mean in terms of indoor environmental quality? What role for inspection andwhat type of requirements? Also, the relevant CEN standards under development will bepresented. Also, there will be an exchange of views regarding potential future AIVC actionswith respect to this EPBD recast.
- Introduction to EPBD revision.Jaap Hogeling, EPB center, Netherlands
- Related CEN-standards on IEQ. Bjarne Olesen, DTU, Denmark
- Related CEN-standards on inspection. Valérie Leprince, Cerema, France
- Experiences with existing inspection schemes. TBA, TBA, TBA
- Experiences with existing inspection schemes. TBA, TBA, TBA
- Discussion
- 90 minutes